We know there is confusion about why Winters Bros. has to seek the approval of the Surface Transportation Board (STB) for the Winters Rail Terminal. We hope this clarifies our interactions with the STB and why they are required.
The Winters Rail Terminal is an innovative and environmentally conscious solution to Long Island’s looming waste crisis resulting in the planned closure of the Brookhaven Landfill in 2024. Our piece of the solution relies on developing additional railroad infrastructure. But, prior to track being laid, the Winters Rail Terminal—like all other railroad projects in the country—must adhere to guidelines and policies specific to rail.
The STB is a federal, bipartisan board tasked with the oversight and regulation of all railroads throughout the country, including the construction of any new rail lines. Unlike other projects brought before the Town of Brookhaven to address the closure of the Brookhaven Landfill, the sheer scope and size of the Winters Rail Terminal classifies it as a railroad. As such, it is required by law that the project goes before the STB for review and approval.
The presentation of the Winters Rail Terminal project to the STB in no way allows Winters Bros. to circumvent review and feedback from the Town of Brookhaven. Rather, it is an additional step, adding another layer of review to the overall approval process. Winters Bros. is continuously working with the Town of Brookhaven, its residents, and key stakeholders to ensure that transparency throughout the approval process is maintained.
If you or the organization you represent would like to speak with us in greater detail about this process, please let us know as we would appreciate the opportunity to bring you up to speed.